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Franka Emika研究版和工业版的区别?

日期:2019-07-30 作者:Franka Emika 评论:0
标签: Franka Emika
2019年伊之密与Franka Emika公司签订了合作协议,在中国市场销售和集成开发Franka Emika协作机器人。
What is the difference between the newest version of Panda and Panda Research?
If you are a researcher or work in a company active in R&D, Panda Research the ideal as a platform to test control and motion algorithms, as it features Franka Control Interface (FCI). FCI allows a fast and direct low-level bidirectional connection to the robot´s Arm and Hand. It provides the current status of the robot and enables its direct control. Panda Research cannot be used for commercial purposes. If you plan to deploy robots for commercial purposes, then Panda - together with the available App Packages - is your ideal power tool. Thanks to an intuitive user interface, no prior programming knowledge is required. Any type of user can now automate tasks that were not possible before or could only be realized at a very high cost.
如果您是一名研究人员或在一家积极从事研发的公司工作,Panda Research是测试控制和运动算法的理想平台,因为它具有Franka控制接口(FCI)。FCI允许快速和直接的低水平双向连接到机器人的手臂和手。它提供了机器人的当前状态,并使其能够直接控制。熊猫研究不能用于商业目的。如果你计划将机器人用于商业目的,那么Panda——连同可用的应用程序包——是你理想的动力工具。由于直观的用户界面,不需要预先的编程知识。任何类型的用户现在都可以自动完成以前不可能完成的任务,或者只需要花费很高的成本就可以实现。
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