Delta Tau运动控制器Clipper现货北京
更多详细内容请咨询销售经理:黄章平 18518556288(微信同号) QQ:992590032 邮箱:18518556288@163.com
Base Specifications Include:
The standard Turbo PMAC2-ETH-Lite Controller provides a 110mmx220mm (4.25” x 8.5”) board with:
·4 or 8 axes of simultaneous control (<0.5 ms update time)
·All axes independent or coordinated in any combination
·Multitasking of up to 16 motion programs and 64 asynchronous PLC programs
·Easy-to-use, high-level programming language
·Linear, circular, rapid, B-spline, Hermite-spline interpolation modes
·True S-curve accel/decel for jerk-limited profiles
·Dynamic multi-move lookahead for robust acceleration control
·Coordinate system translation and rotation, 2D and 3D
·Embedded forward and inverse kinematics routines for Non-Cartesian geometries
PMAC2-Eth-Lite) from Delta Tau provides a very powerful, but compact and cost-effective, multi-axis
controller designed for cost sensitive applications.
Careful design and manufacturing for optimization has brought the power of the world leading Turbo PMAC controller family to cost-sensitive applications that could never afford this level of erformance
The Clipper is a full featured multi-axis controller with Ethernet and RS232 communication ports and built in I/O. It offers a full Turbo PMAC2-CPU and provides a minimum of four axes of
servo or stepper contr
The Clipper can be used completely standalone, with occasional commands from a host computer or PLC, or with real-time high-speed streaming of data over the Ethernet
. The Clipper can supply the most demanding of applications at a fraction of the cost previously possible.
更多详细内容请咨询销售经理:黄章平 18518556288(微信同号) QQ:992590032 邮箱:18518556288@163.com