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放大字体缩小字体日期:2016-06-07 浏览: 1152
行业 写作/出版/印刷 职位 总编/副总编
招聘部门 市场部 招聘人数 2人
工作地区 上海 工作性质 全职
性别要求 不限 婚姻要求 不限
学历要求 大专 工作经验 3年以上
年龄要求 18岁以上 待遇水平 10000-15000元/月
更新日期 2016-06-11 有效期至 长期有效
2.负责刊物组稿、校对、送审及发行统计工作。 3.负责每期刊物约稿工作。 4.对刊物的发展和完善提出自己的想法和建设性意见。 上海艾荔艾金属材料有限公司内刊《艾荔艾人》,该刊共设立六大版块,主要包括:公司要闻、金属合金、技术工艺、客户服务、行业动态和员工风采。 作为艾荔艾企业文化建设的重要载体,她忠实地记录着艾荔艾的成长历程。目前刊物每期发行量500份,除供内部员工阅读外,还向机关单位、媒体机构以及新老客户等免费赠阅,充当着员工之间,部门之间沟通的桥梁。在艾荔艾倡导的“和谐、绩效、责任”的文化内涵的指引下,增强了企业凝聚力和向心力,也树立了良好的企业形象并丰富了公司文化内涵。 《艾荔艾人》编辑部将内刊制作过程分成十个环节:选题策划、组稿、版式设计、文字编辑、设计编排、图片处理、校对、出片打样、印刷装订和发行。在采编方面,《艾荔艾人》编辑部有专业采编人员并成立了通讯员队伍,定期为刊物提供专业开云电子链接 并反映内部活动的文章。在版式风格方面,由公司设计人员根据VI对刊物进行风格定位,并将之形成版式标准固化下来。 总有一种精神历久弥新,总有一种坚持让人尊敬,总有一种文化呼啸前行,《艾荔艾人》就是要站在信念的基石上,做材料与人文的创新者和指引者,做企业发展与改革的见证者和鞭策者。
更多> 公司介绍



  • 可再生材料(近100%可回收率)
  • 极高的耐用性
  • 极强的抗老化和抗腐蚀性
  • 合金添加物使合金具有极高的可切削性(可由机器完成)
  • 抗菌效果
  • 合金添加物使合金具有高度耐脱锌性
  • 通过冷变形和热变形可有目的地调整机械属性
  • 在工业用材料中能耗最低的材料之一




For many years, AILIAI has been a reliable partner and supplier of sophisticated and high-quality semi-finished products maed of alloys. In dialogue with our customers, we optimise our products to meet the specific application requirements. AILIAI develops the best alloy material solutions for current and future challenges.

That feeling of burning curiosity is incomparable. It releases boundless energy to get to the bottom of things. AILIAI‘s spirit of enquiry was awoken many years ago and still strives to harness the forces of nature. Cunning use of fire and water, a deep understanding of the melting process and technological expertise in the field of non-ferrous metals are necessary for the things we do.

We supply alloys for today‘s applications and thus, shape the technologies of tomorrow. In doing so we contribute many years of experience with alloys. Products by AILIAI make a significant contribution to our daily lives and to the expansion of infrastructure. They can be found hidden, behind virtually every door.

AILIAI offers alloys with specific properties tailored to the individual requirements of a wide range of applications:

§Sustainable material, almost 100 percent recyclable

§Extreme durability

§Highly resistant to aging and corrosion

§Outstanding chipping (automatic capability) due to alloy additions

§Antibacterial effect

§High dezincification resistance due to alloy additions

§Concerted adjustment of mechanical properties by cold or hot forming

§One of the best carbon footprint of all industrial materials

AILIAI offers more than 1000 alloys as pioneering material for various prematerials:
Strip, wire, rods, tubes and profiles, drop-forged parts, synchronizer rings, press-fit zones and metal-plastic compound systems for electronic and electrotechnical applications. Depending on the purpose, our alloys are being optimised for specific applications. As your competent partner, AILIAI thus offers special alloys for the automotive, electrotechnical and electronics industry and for drinking water applications. AILIAI is specialised in meeting individual customer requirements. This ensures highest productivity, maximum efficiency and great reliability.

AILIAI´s products, components and services are in demand with the traditional industries as well as with the customers who indulge in modern mega trends like water, health, green technologies, mobility and energy.

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